Welcome to Korseai

Our mission is to advance the understanding of the past through rigorous research and innovative approaches.

Join us on our journey of discovery!

Welcome to Korseai

Our mission is to advance the understanding of the past through rigorous research and innovative approaches.

Join us on our journey of discovery!

  • Surveying the Archipelago of Fournoi

  • Excavating the Shipwreck No15

  • Scientific Research & Special Projects

korseai logo

The Korseai Institute of Historical and Archaeological Research emerged from the success of the two initial maritime archaeological expeditions in the Fournoi archipelago. These expeditions revealed a surprising wealth of archaeological finds, prompting a reevaluation of the Aegean’s historical significance.

Join us on this journey of discovery!

The Archipelago of Fournoi

Dive into the depths of the past and explore the rich maritime history that Fournoi holds

Eirini Mitsi, conservator with Korseai Institute working on an amphora
Group photo of Fournoi expedition 2015

The Team

Meet our international team that has played a pivotal role in uncovering the secrets of the Fournoi shipwrecks

Professor George Koutsouflakis documenting findings from a shipwreck in Fournoi, Greece

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